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Palestinian Cultural Gala

Palestinian Cultural Gala

Date(s) - 04/07/2023
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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Vanderbilt University Student Life Center


Free with RSVP USD
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Vanderbilt University

“DSP is hosting a major community charity event this year! The Palestine Cultural gala celebrates Palestinian heritage, culture, and resilience. This event will host hundreds of members of the Vanderbilt community, from students to faculty and staff, and invite members from the Nashville community and the local mosques. This event is during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and will provide families the opportunity to gather in this cultural event and support a noble cause. The night will be filled with breaking our fasts, reciting Arabic poetry, and dancing traditional dances in traditional clothing. We have also pledged to donate 100% of the funds raised by the sales of this event to a local Nashville charity, El-Mahaba center, which works with low-income communities in Nashville to provide mothers with childcare and diapers and students with tutors and college mentors. This will be an amazing way to connect Vanderbilt with the surrounding community. We hope to see you there!”

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