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ADC Commends Obama Administration Decision to Release Bush Era Torture Memos

posted on: Apr 17, 2010

The American-Arab Anti- Discrimination Committee (ADC) commends the decision by the Obama Administration to release memoranda from the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, during the Bush Administration, which authorized the use of torture, including waterboarding. The release of these memos today is another positive step in the direction of better understanding the dangerous and unlawful policies of the past administration.

The President has made it clear that the United States does not torture, and numerous reforms have been put into place to make this policy a reality. This move by the Obama Administration is part of a series of progressive policy changes on civil liberties and human rights. During his first day on the job, President Obama’s decision to close the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay and set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, was welcomed by ADC. Further, ADC commended the decisions of the Administration to ratify protocols of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), and the decision to join the United Nations Human Rights Council.

ADC President Mary Rose Oakar said, “Since taking office, President Obama has set the United States on a positive path to restore our own dignity and humanity, as well as regaining the respect and leadership of the global community. ADC looks forward to a continued effort on the part of the Obama Administration to reestablish the rule of law and respect for human rights”.