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ADC's Response to Sexual Harassment Complaint

posted on: Jun 1, 2013

As the country’s premiere Arab American civil rights organization, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) reiterates sexual harassment is not and will not be tolerated. ADC takes with the utmost seriousness any and all allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct.

On the 31st of May ADC received complaints and allegations of misconduct by Mr. Imad Hamad, the ADC Michigan Regional Director. Shortly after receipt of the complaint, ADC informed Mr. Hamad that he was being placed on administrative leave pending a full investigation into the allegations and he has consented to it.

As soon as it can be arranged, and with the assistance of outside legal counsel, ADC will be retaining the services of a reputable and completely independent investigator experienced in such matters to thoroughly investigate the alleged misconduct. ADC expects and requires Mr. Hamad to fully cooperate in this investigation. Upon completion of the independent investigation a determination will be made as to the employment status of Mr. Hamad.

ADC has detailed sexual harassment policies in place to protect all employees. Reports of sexual harassment and other misconduct may be made to any responsible official, including directly to the President of ADC, without fear of reprisal. ADC will be reiterating its policy to employees to assure that they are aware of it and feel totally comfortable using it.