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Arab American Gas Station Clerk Helps Man Shot in Face

posted on: Sep 24, 2014

Mansour Mansour’s early-morning shift at a Detroit gas station turned into a life-saving mission when one of his regular customers came racing in for help.

Mansour was working Wednesday around 2 a.m. at the Marathon station at Chicago Avenue and Meyers Road when the customer came in and then told Mansour he would be right back. He did come back, but with a gunshot to his face.

“He walked in my door and fell right on the ground,” Mansour said. “I right away locked the door, just in case someone tried to come in and finish the job. I’m just trying to save him.”

The clerk said he grabbed a gun for protection and frantically called 911.

“He didn’t know who did it and nothing. He was breathing heavily. The whole time he was putting his head down. The whole time I am like, ‘Keep your head up,'” Mansour said.

Police and EMS crews rushed the man to the hospital. There’ s no immediate word on his condition.

Mansour is hoping he recovers.

“That’s what we do. We love our customers over here,” he said.

Police said they do not have any leads yet on the gunman.

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Source: Clickondetroit