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Arab American inspired 2nd Annual U-Beyond Conference a huge success in Atlanta

posted on: Feb 10, 2015

On January 31st, U-Beyond Mentorship had it 2nd annual Conference in Atlanta with close to 300 people in attendance.

The Conference was sponsored by the Women Of AT&T, Asian Pacific Employees of AT&T and the World Chamber of Commerce.

The Conference Keynote Speakers, Kathleen Ciaramello , FoodServices and On-Premise Domestic Sales President at Coke delivering an inspiring story on being authentic you and helping others  as you “Pay it Forward”.

There were two workshops that attendees participated in; Netweaving – The Heart and Art of Networking” by Bob Littell, and The Neuroscience of Courage and Risk taking by Henna Inam.

Arab American Tony Charaf, Retired President of Delta Technical Operations, delivering a motivation speech to the audience that won him a standing ovation.  He shared with the audience, the importance of communications, surrounding yourself with successful friends ( tell me who your friends are and I will tell you if you are going to be successful) , and the importance of goal setting.

Eva Handschin, School Director at Academe of the Oaks feedback reflected most of the feedback we received from attendees,
“Thank you U-Beyond so much for letting us participate in this amazing Conference and for your warm welcome. Our students had a wonderful time and they learned a lot from the speakers. Also, they received very valuable advice from the mentors.  I was very much impressed with the overall quality of the conference from the beginning until the end. As an educator, I appreciate very much your commitment to our youth as they are our future. We cannot give them enough support and encouragement to be successful in their lives and to meet their future with confidence, with responsibility for others and the world.”

The survey results from the conference indicate that it was a resounding success with over 98% of participants welling to recommend U-Beyond to others and attend future events.

U-Beyond provides an environment for a positive and engaging mentoring experience between the business community, youth and the community at-large. These experiences allow youth to make positive connections between career opportunities, school and their community. Mentees find support and guidance they need to develop personal skills and career awareness in order to build productive and meaningful lives.

For more details of the Conference please visit our site:


Arab America