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Chicago's Arab American Stars Come Out This Sunday for the Mofest Film Festival

posted on: Apr 21, 2012

For some Chicagoans, Sunday may be just a lazy day to relax and catch up on soap operas or even Lifetime movies. Although that may sound tempting for some, Chicagoans need to prepare themselves for this weekend, Sunday to be specific, as it will not be your average weekend. This weekend Chicagoans will be thrilled to come out and see some of its finest Arab American stars at it again.

The widely adored duo, Sayed Badreya and Joann Fakhouri, previously have teamed up to create Chicago Mirage, which recently premiered at the 2012 Boston International Film Festival. Producer Joann Fakhouri, along side actress Jennifer Lazea, were also featured in Wednesday’s issue of the Boston Herald looking rather fabulous as admirers would agree. The Arab American stars have teamed up again for the premiere of Window Lies. Although, this time viewers will actually get to see producer, Fakhouri, on screen along with actors Sayed Badreya and his son, Miles M. Badreya. Chicagoans will see the talented father and son actors for the first time alongside one another on screen. This will be a very proud and dear moment for father, Badreya, once he sees the positive reaction of the fans to Window Lies. Window Lies is a short, black and white film that will start off the event by none other than the Sayed Badreya film group. Following Window Lies will be nail bitting drama film, Cargo, starring the admired Egyptian American actor along with actress Natasha Rinis.

The Mofest Film Festival will be held in The Historic Portage Theater this Sunday, April 22, 2012. You can purchase tickets online now for the low price of $5.00 or event enthusiasts can choose to pay $10.00 at the door. Window Lies starts off the event at 4:00 pm and Cargo right after. The tickets are not only good for Window Lies and Cargo but all the movies throughout the film festival.

Nada Tadros