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Filmmakers Workshop to be Hosted in Chicago in March 2011

posted on: Jan 22, 2011

We live in a time when mass media has taken a major role in providing us with information about the world around us. We use that information in forming our own opinions and involving our emotions. We very often take that information for granted; we let ourselves use the same sources over and over again, without paying enough attention to the validity of the picture drawn by those sources. In a perfect world however, the images provided in media would mimic reality, and present us with an accurate picture helping us formulate informed and fair opinions and judgments which ultimately drive our actions. Unfortunately, our world is far from perfect. As immigrants of Arab origin, we have suffered too long as did our ancestors and others immigrants from all nationalities and religious backgrounds from the misconceptions and distorted picture that today’s media has drawn of us for the consumption of the American audiences. It is very important to take the stance and define ourselves and portray ourselves in the right imagery in film.

In their continuous desire of advancing our community the Ziyad Brothers, Ray Hanania, Reem Odeh, JoAnn Fakhouri with Arab-American filmmaker Sayed Badreya have collaborated to introduce the first 2011 Chicago Arab American Filmmaker Workshop.

The workshop will be limited to a select group of 25 participants who truly desire and have a passion for filmmaking and the industry. These 25 individuals will be accepted based on their submissions of their resume, video reel and a brief description of what they hope to gain from the workshop.

For further information, contact