How to Vote Your Conscience Super Strategically

By: Sam Husseini / Arab America Contributing Writer
The “Uncommitted” movement has predictably floundered.
Parts of it will vote for Harris; others have effectively melded into Abandon Harris and vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party or some other non-genocidal candidate.
At least one prominent participant in Uncommitted, Amer Ghalib, mayor of Hamtramck, Mich., has received extensive media attention for backing Trump, who has been every bit as pro-Israeli as Biden and Harris.
This is all foolish.
Instead, those in Uncommitted who plan on voting for Harris should join those who plan on voting for Trump.
They can take votes away from both genocidal candidates and give them to non-genocidal candidates. In addition to the Greens, there are the Libertarians and other candidates. That’s my strategy, which I outlined for Arab America last June.
It is ridiculous that many who professed to stand up to the Biden administration and the rest of the establishment waging a genocide against the Palestinians are posed to fold and vote for genocidal candidates.
Some big names have still not been declared. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American in Congress, has not said who she would vote for, nor has Ralph Nader. Rep. Cori Bush—who was ousted largely because of AIPAC money—recently said she was torn about how to vote in the upcoming election, talking about the conflict between “Strategy versus my good conscience.”
There’s no such conflict if you think it through. VotePact is super strategic.
It puts pressure on the establishment candidates. It shows them you will not come crawling back to them.
It allows people who have a preferred establishment candidate to vote for non-genicidal candidates in a way that doesn’t help the candidate they least want.
Rashida, Bush, Nader, and others who seem to prefer Harris to Trump should team up with people on the other side, like Ghalib.
So, last call to Tlaib, Nader, Bush, and everyone reading this: If you’re still thinking of voting for a genocidal candidate, you should pair up with someone on the other side.
It takes work. But no one should vote for any genocidal candidate. Remarkably, that has to be said. If voting for genocide is easier for you than making a VotePact, what does that say about you?
Sam Husseini is the founder of He regularly writes at
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