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Hundreds protest forced transfer, destruction of Palestinian village Susya | +972 Magazine

posted on: Jul 25, 2015

Hundreds of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists march into the Palestinian village of Susya, demanding that Israel not demolish it, Suysa, South Hebron Hills, July 24, 2015. (Oren Ziv/
Over 500 Palestinian, Israeli and international activists descended on the tiny Palestinian tent-village of Susya on Friday to protest its imminent demolition and the forced transfer of its residents.

The activists marched through the village, stopping at various homes along their way to hear the stories of families facing eviction and transfer.

At the end of the demonstration activists hung a massive banner in view of passing settlers, declaring that Susya is here to stay.

Activists hang a massive sign on the main road leading to the former site of the village, to ensure that Israeli settlers see it, July 24, 2015. (Keren Manor/
Palestinian parliamentarian Mustafa Barghoutti, one of few politicians who attended the protest, praised the non-violent popular resistance model adopted by the residents of Susya and many other Palestinian villages. “Combining popular resistance on the ground, international solidarity and boycott, divestment and sanctions against israeli policies,” Barghoutti said. “Is very productive and very effective at this stage.”
