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ISNA Urges Special Prayers and Charity Collections for the Victims of War in Gaza

posted on: Jan 12, 2009

The Islamic Society of North America is requesting Muslim communities to hold special prayers and charity collection for the victims of the war in Gaza. Over 600 people have been killed and over 3000 people have been wounded during the war. Many more people are suffering from the trauma of war and having had to flee their homes. Even before the war started, the people of Gaza were suffering, because they had been subject to a blockade for over a year. Much of the population of Gaza is malnourished and those which chronic illnesses or special needs do not have the medicines and care they need.

There are a number of reputable charities that are working in Gaza. These include:

* Islamic Relief:
* Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA Relief):
* American Task Force on Palestine:
* United Palestinian Appeal:
* Palestine Red Crescent Society:
* Zakat Foundation:

*ISNA does not endorse or recommend specific charities but lists these for information only.

The Islamic Society of North America reminds all donors that the US State Department has designated Hamas as an international terrorist organization. It is illegal to give money or goods to Hamas or to aid Hamas. Donors must exercise due diligence in their giving to determine that their donations will assist the victims of war in accordance with US law.