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New DC bus ad takes on the special relationship on eve of Netanyahu’s address to Congress

posted on: Feb 27, 2015

American Muslims for Palestine has started an advertising campaign ahead of Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress next week and issued the following press release:

The American Muslims for Palestine, a national education and advocacy organization, on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015 will unveil its latest ad campaign that uses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s breach of protocol to focus on the detrimental impact our ‘friendship’ with Israel has on the United States.

Netanyahu caused controversy when he circumvented the White House and accepted House Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. Critics accuse Netanyahu of meddling in US affairs.

This may be the case. Speaking in 2001 about how he could manipulate the United States, Netanyahu was videotaped saying, “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction.” The video and comments were widely reported on in 2010 in Israeli and American media.

“At a time when the United States is close to a deal with Iran, Mr. Netanyahu is coming to persuade Congress to trade in a peaceful, diplomatic solution for war,” said Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid, AMP national political coordinator.
