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SCPSS Announces Agreement with Riad Al-Rayyes Books

posted on: Feb 13, 2014

Today, the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies (SCPSS) announced that it had reach an agreement with Riad Al-Rayyes Books, a Lebanese publishing house, regarding printing a popular version of Syria Transition Roadmap, SCPSS’s report on the post-conflict democratic political transition in Syria.

Riad Al-Rayyes Books will print up to 500,000 copies of a new Arabic edition of Syria Transition Roadmap and the book will be available for purchase throughout the Arabic-speaking world.

Additionally, SCPSS commissioned Riad Al-Rayyes with printing several thousand copies of the report to be distributed directly to Syrian activists and members of the opposition. This order would not have been possible without the generous support of the European Endowment for Democracy.