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A Step in the Right Direction: U.S. Census Bureau Release Reveals Important Information on the Arab American Community

By Salma Heram / Arab America Contributing Writer  On September 21, 2023, the U.S. Census Bureau released the Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A), which revealed that 3.5 million Americans reported being Middle Eastern and North African in the 2020 Census. While this number is an underrepresentation of the true number of … Continued

United States Seeing Unprecedented Growth in Arabic Speakers

By: Adam Abdel-Qader / Arab America Contributing Writer The United States has always boasted a radiant tapestry of diverse cultures and multilingual identities. This shining reality is becoming increasingly apparent with the flourishing influx of Arabic speakers in recent years.  The substantial increase in the population of Arabic-speaking individuals emphasizes the necessity of acknowledging and … Continued

Supplier Diversity and the Exclusion of Arabs

By: Mariam Alyakoob / Arab America Contributing Writer Have you ever heard of “Supplier Diversity”? The way supplier diversity is used typically depends on the context. In terms of businesses, supplier diversity is usually a program that falls within Supply Chain and Procurement functions. The goal of a supplier diversity program is to procure from … Continued

It’s وقت التصويت (“Voting Time”): Dearborn Election Materials Translated into Arabic for the First Time

By: Riley Bryant / Arab America Contributing Writer At the core of democracy is participation, and at the core of participation is accessibility. Along these lines, the US government has taken plenty of measures to make elections widely accessible to a large and diverse American population. From public advertisements, to expanded voting windows, it is … Continued

Do I Look White to You?: The “White Arab” Myth in America

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer White or Wrong? There was an alleged mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store on March 22, 2021. This followed the Atlanta, Georgia spa shooting by a white man who had a “really bad day.” In the same token, social media quickly ruled that the Boulder suspect … Continued

Dr. Jack Shaheen: Resisting the “TV Arab”

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī/ Arab America Contributing Writer Before the silver screen, the television, and social media, stories were told by storytellers in spoken word. In ancient cultures, orators speak of religion, history, wars, and epics, etc. In the Arab and Muslim world, stories are still performed. However, these stories are muted by Western orientalist … Continued

This Is Why It’s Important for Arab Americans to Vote

By: Nadia Reese/Arab America Contributing Writer The The United States of America casts election polls every year, from voting in the primary elections for state and local officials to voting every four years for a Presidential candidate. Some people may not understand the impact that voting has on society or how much a U.S. leader … Continued

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