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Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—How to make Lebanese vegan chard rolls!

red chard in my spring garden © linda dalal sawaya 2016 By: Linda Dalal Sawaya/Arab America Contributing Writer Flourishing this week in the garden with our cherished spring rains, having overwintered with ease like Italian parsley, also a biennial—is chard. It’s an amazingly hardy plant that can be harvested now through summer and fall for Mediterranean … Continued

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—hearty Lebanese mountain lentil soup

shourbat kibbet heeli © linda dalal sawaya 2016 Shourbat kibbet heeli, an old time variation on lentil soup, begins with mama’s basic lentil soup recipe in Alice’s Kitchen. The potatoes rather than being diced and cooked with the lentils are boiled, peeled, and mashed with minced onions and made into fritter-like dumplings that are dropped into the … Continued

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—easy to make springtime lentil soups

lentil soup ingredients © linda dalal sawaya 2016 BY: Linda Dalal Saway/Contributing Writer Portland days already feel like early spring with sunshine, blustery wind, rain showers, hail, and clouds swiftly passing, opening the sky to the sun once again for a few brief moments. One second the bright sunlight blasts out, and the next it disappears … Continued

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