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Canary Mission: Suppressing Activism and Stifling Freedom of Speech

By: Malorie Lewis / Arab American Contributing Writer Established in the Spring of 2015, Canary Mission was devised as a tool to combat the growing popularity and spread of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. Under the guise of fighting antisemitism, this anonymous website collects data on people who are accused of criticizing Israeli policies, … Continued

Fordham University’s Suppression of Pro-Palestinian Views Shows Why Liberals Should Fight for Free Speech

By Jesse Singal New York Magazine These days, the debate over free speech on campus centers largely on loud, chaotic incidents like the riots at UC Berkeley in response to Milo Yiannopoulos’s planned talk, or the smaller but also violent incident at Middlebury College sparked by Charles Murray’s visit there. It’s understandable why events like … Continued

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