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The Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP) Announces 2009 Support Grant Awards for Arab American Organizations

posted on: Jul 7, 2014

This is the first round of grants distributed by the newly established and only national Arab American philanthropy program in the country. With grants totaling $73,900, CAAP is providing valuable capacity-building support to organizations as they move forward to strengthen their organizational development.

“These grants represent an historic moment in the Arab American community,” said Jamie Kim, CAAP Director. “The members of the CAAP Leadership Circle came together to make this possible, demonstrating the power of collective Arab American giving. The resources, funds, time and talent they provided to make this happen have paved a path for Arab American philanthropists of the future.”

“It is inspiring to see CAAP’s vision come to fruition,” said Maha Freij, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer at the Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services. “CAAP began with the idea that Arab Americans could make a greater impact with their charitable dollars through strategic philanthropic giving. By increasing the ability of Arab American organizations to better serve their communities, these grants are doing just that.”

16 Capacity-Building and Operational Support grants were made to Arab American organizations across the country:

Access California Services—Anaheim, CA: $5,000

ADC Research Institute—Washington, DC: $5,000

Al-Bustan—Philadelphia, PA: $5,000

Alif Institute—Atlanta, GA: $1,500

American Mideast Leadership Network—Queens, NY: $4,900

Arab American Action Network—Chicago, IL: $4,000

Arab American Association of New York—Brooklyn, NY: $5,000

Arab American Business and Professional Association—Minneapolis, MN: $4,000

Arab American Family Services—Chicago, IL: $4,500

Arab American Institute Foundation—Washington, DC: $5,000

Arab Cultural and Community Center—San Francisco, CA: $5,000

Arab Resource and Organizing Center—San Francisco, CA: $7,500

Association of Arab American Engineers and Architects—Chicago, IL: $3,500

Boston Palestine Film Festival—Boston, MA: $4,000

Center for Arabic Culture—Boston, MA: $5,000

Philadelphia Arab American CDC—Philadelphia, PA: $5,000

“These funds are an important step toward empowering Arab American communities and enabling them to be self sufficient,” said Linda Sarsour, Interim Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York. The organization plans to utilize its $5,000 grant to develop marketing and solicitation materials and to hire a fund raising consultant.

Funds for the grantmaking were made available through the contributions of the Leadership Circle of CAAP, other individual donors, and the Cultures of Giving Fund established at the Rockefeller Philanthropy advisors with major support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Center for Arab American Philantrophy