A hard task in the life of any Arab kid is to convince and persuade the parental unit to allow you to travel.

You may present facts, stats, and financial proof to support your case. You may also explain how it’s your dream country or how your whole group of friends is going, but nothing can guarantee your parents reaction.

No matter what the end result may be, your Arab parents will create drama before the verdict is out.

1. You announce your plans… they hit you with “Inshallah”

You’re too excited about your plans to travel and you share your excitement with your Arab parents… until they hit you with the infamous “inshallah”.

That’s when you know your plans might be ruined.

2. When you’re serious, they’re always in denial

You can send your whole itinerary to your parents, but they will ignore you and continue flooding the family group with “saba7 el kheir” pictures.

3. They will come up with petty reasons to stop you from traveling

“Kid: Mom I want to travel on August 24 2027.

Mom: No you can’t, we are hosting a lunch that day.”

4. They shower you with horrible news happening at the destination you’re visiting

Wherever you may choose to go, even if it’s the most peaceful of countries, they will follow all media outlets carefully to find the worst news.

Once they do, you’ll be hammered with “fires”, “heatwaves”, “thefts”, “protests”, and so on… anything that would sway you away from going there.

5. If someone they know is traveling, they suddenly agree to your plans

Not only will they spread the news, but they will also boast about their inspirational effect on you and your eagerness to go on an adventure.

“My kid is independent and strong. Habib/habibit albeh, la emmo/bayya.”

6. Once you have their blessings, a “demands list” surfaces

The demands are never-ending and your 23kg limit tears up on your behalf as you keep a smile on your porcelain face.

7. Your entire family forest is invited for a farewell

Your trip might not surpass five days, but a 3azeemeh is to be thrown in your honor. And of course, the evening is sponsored by “Trou7 w terja3 bl salemeh”.

8. Tears, lots and lots of tears

Your mother, aunts, grandmas, and neighbor Souaad will cry at the sight of you holding your luggage by the door.