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Amen: A Prayer for the World Exhibit

posted on: Sep 5, 2014

Washington National Cathedral is pleased to partner with CARAVAN for the US premiere of this interfaith arts exhibit designed to build bridges of respect, understanding, and sharing between the creeds and cultures of the East and West.
The exhibition features 48 fiberglass sculptures in prayer painted by 30 Muslim and Christian Egyptian artists and 18 Christian and Jewish western artists.
The participating artists have been given a life-size fiberglass sculpture in one of four poses of prayer to paint or decorate as they wish. The theme AMEN: A Prayer for the World, seeks to express the deep, fundamental acknowledgement of power and hope for all peoples. To evoke the commonality of prayer, the four poses symbolize human diversity, community, and the many forms prayer can take. The forms were sculpted by the noted Egyptian artist Reda Abdel Rahman.
The CARAVAN exhibit is an exciting opportunity for Washington National Cathedral in so many ways. It allows us to continue exploring the Cathedral’s nave as a space for artistic exhibition and expression. It has brought us into a partnership with both CARAVAN and the embassy of Egypt. It continues our great tradition of interfaith ministry and collaboration. A wide range of artists from varied cultural and religious backgrounds—Muslim, Christian, and Jewish artists; Egyptians as well as Westerners—are bringing their own unique gifts and perspectives to the decoration of these praying figures. I hope many will come and experience the pieces themselves, and the Cathedral, in a new way. —The Very Reverend Gary Hall, dean
Thirty figures painted by Egyptian artists are currently on display in Cairo. These figures will travel to the United States and join 18 figures painted by Western artists for a joint exhibition at Washington National Cathedral and then in New York City at St. John the Divine.
The exhibition is co-curated by CARAVAN’s founder/president—the Rev. Paul–Gordon Chandler—and Egyptian artist Reda Abdel Rahman. CARAVAN is an interfaith arts non-profit created to encourage intercultural and inter-religious dialogue through the Arts. The exhibit is sponsored by SODIC with additional support provided by the British Council.

Washington National Cathedral