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4,030 Results (Page 162 of 336)

How Lebanon is Coping with the Explosion

Aug 11, 2020

By: Yasmina Hage/Arab America Contributing Writer Everyone started their day like any other day. People went about their business by going to work, shopping, and visiting relatives; however, Lebanon's fragile state was on their minds—a country in jeopardy not only(...)

The Importance of Respect and Manners in the Arab World

Aug 10, 2020

By: Ala Abed-Rabbo/Arab America Contributing Writer Greetings and Handshakes Although it is an essential part of decent manners anywhere in the globe is politeness.  However, when it comes to Arabs, it's the most essential part of their culture.  Arab people(...)

Some Syrian Cities and their Glory and History Prior to the War

Aug 10, 2020

By: Ala Abed-Rabbo/Arab America Contributing Writer Syria, a country in Western Asia, adequately known as the Syrian Arab Republic. The name Syria is historically originated as a broader region. It is roughly equal with the Levant, known in Arabic as(...)

Ba'albek Ruins: Then and Now

Aug 7, 2020

  By: Emily Devereaux/Arab America Contributing Writer The Ba'albek ruins are an archaeological field day. Its pillars were erected as early as 9000 BC, and are marked with beautiful and intricate designs that leave archaeologists puzzled about how these drawings(...)

Efforts in Gluten-Free Alternatives are Now Recognized

Aug 7, 2020

By: Joyce Behrens, Contributing Writer Gluten-free options are quickly becoming essential staples in restaurants and food markets. The reason for the awareness of this gluten is dietary restrictions such as Celiac disease, which is an immune disorder that reacts to(...)

Striking Hunger Pandemic in Lebanon, Citizens Have to Grow their Own Crops Now!

Aug 7, 2020

By: Raneem Ghunaim/ Arab America contributing writer        As hunger in Lebanon arises, so does panic. Lebanon citizens have faced so much this year from revolutions to sudden reduction in crop production to getting hit by this pandemic.(...)

Dubai During COVID-19: Its Success May Be Its Downfall

Aug 6, 2020

By: Noah Robertson/Arab America Contributing Writer The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a group of seven emirates established in 1971 with each emirate having its own laws, governing body, internal affairs, and control over its economy. The group of emirates(...)

Census, Do I Look White? 

Aug 6, 2020

By: Tasnim Elnasharty/Arab America Contributing Writer  Race is a complex word that has a variety of definitions, and one of the definitions in the dictionary is a group of people that share a comparable way of life, culture, traditions, history,(...)

Why is Yemeni Coffee the Best Coffee in the World?

Aug 6, 2020

By: Joyce Behrens/Arab America Contributing Writer Coffee beans have been in existence for centuries. Since the beginning of international trade, coffee has been one of the main commodities because of the benefits it provides. The main benefit, as we all(...)

Beirut Explosion Rocks Lebanon's Capital City: What you Need to Know

Aug 5, 2020

Yesterday, we heard the shocking news of the horrific explosions in Lebanon. The two explosions ripped through Beirut killing as of this morning: 100 people, at least 4,000 wounded, and over 300,000 people displaced. The injured were soon flocking to(...)

Greater Syrian Diaspora at 78RPM: Emil Kasses

Aug 5, 2020

      By: Richard Breaux/Arab America Contributing Writer What do you do when you find several dozen 78 rpm records all in Arabic and you can neither read, nor speak the language? You research the musicians and record labels(...)

The Foods of Aleppo -The Haute Cuisine of Syria

Aug 5, 2020

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributor We had arrived in Aleppo, Syria’s gourmet capital, that afternoon and had settled down in Chahba Cham Palace Hotel, at that time the city’s top-class abode.  However, we did not rest much.  I along with(...)

4,030 Results (Page 162 of 336)
