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4,148 Results (Page 273 of 346)

Study Shows American Attitudes on Arabs & Muslims Divided Along Political Party Lines

Aug 4, 2017

By Daniel Gil/ Contributing Writer A new study released on Monday by the Arab American Institute (AAI) revealed Americans’ attitudes towards both Arabs and Muslims are sharply divided along political party lines with democrats harboring a more favorable view of them(...)

Civil rights leagues honor UM chancellor, justice

Aug 4, 2017

Source: The Detroit News By: Sarah Rahal Detroit — Two men honored in an annual justice awards ceremony Tuesday shared similar traits: concern for equality and justice, and involvement in community issues. The Third Annual Justice Awards Tribute, hosted by the(...)

How a Non-Arab Anthropologist Helped Me Understand the Arab World

Aug 2, 2017

LEFT-HANDED IN AN ISLAMIC WORLD: An Anthropologist's Journey into the Middle East  By John Mason  Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: NAP/VELLUM (January 25, 2017) Buy on AMAZON By Colby Cyrus/Contributing Writer The Arab world. To some, it is an enigma. To others yet,(...)

Response from DHS Regarding George Selim's Departure

Aug 2, 2017

The following statement is a response Arab America received from the Department of Homeland Security, regarding Arab American George Selim's departure. 1. What was the nature surrounding Mr. Selim's resignation? While it was his decision to leave, George had always(...)

This Summer Enjoy a Scrumptious Barbecue, Arab Style

Aug 2, 2017

BY: Yara Jouzy/ Contributing Writer Barbecue’s in the Arab world, are so common, particularly in the summer. It’s a way to bring together all the family and friends to socialize, to create a community, and most importantly, to share all(...)

Arab American's Resignation from DHS Sign of Worsening Relationship Between Federal Government and Muslim Community

Aug 2, 2017

By Daniel Gil/ Contributing Writer George Selim, a senior counterterrorism official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Director of the Office of Community Partnerships at the DHS handed in his resignation on Friday, according to The Atlantic. Selim’s(...)

Amal and George Clooney Increase Support to Syrian Refugees

Aug 1, 2017

By Colby Cyrus/Contributing Writer In conjunction with Google, HP, and UNICEF, the Clooney Foundation announced a plan to increase access to education for thousands of children in Lebanon, in the form of seven public schools for Syrian refugees. Actor Clooney(...)

Here's why you should definitely visit Oman

Aug 1, 2017

  By: Yasmin Helal Source: Step Feed Are you tired of hopping on an airplane for (at least) 6 hours to go on a short trip for just 2-3 days before coming back home? Then a road trip to Oman(...)

A Short History of the Oud, “King of Instruments”

Aug 1, 2017

By Daniel Gi/ Contributing Writer If the world of Arab music were a kingdom, this instrument would, without a doubt, be its bonafide ruler. It has often been called the “king of instruments” and rightly so as the sound iconic(...)

Egypt: An Incredible Host for the U-19 Basketball World Cup

Aug 1, 2017

By David Demaria/Contributing Writer Picture this: Over five thousand Egyptian basketball fans saluting the Canadian flag, as “Oh, Canada” blares over the sound system, a team of young Canadian basketball players standing on the medal podium, having just won the(...)

'They killed him because he was an Arab'

Aug 1, 2017

Source: Al Jazeera By: Zena Tahhan The family of a young Palestinian man fatally shot by Israeli police in Jaffa are demanding justice for what they believe was a "cold-blooded killing". Mahdi al-Saadi, a 22-year-old Palestinian citizen of Israel, was shot in the chest(...)

Yasir Al-Shallal Seeks Election to ADC National Board

Jul 31, 2017

By Colby Cyrus/Contributing Writer This piece is a paid announcement about a candidate running for an elected position with ADC's National board. Any views or opinions seen here are not representative of Arab America.   A native Iraqi seeks election(...)

4,148 Results (Page 273 of 346)
