4,430 Results (Page 336 of 370)

Arab Influences In The Balearic Islands
Aug 17, 2016
BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer As we wandered along the tiny streets in the ancient Arab quarter of Palma, capital of the Balearic Islands, every once and a while we would peer through wrought-iron gates and heavy wooden doors fascinated with(...)
#ArabsAreNotWhite Twitter Storm Challenges Race Check Box
Aug 17, 2016
BY: Alexa George/Contributing Writer Throughout history, Arab people have always been subjected to challenges centered around their race. Today, it is no different. Trending this week on social media is the hashtag #ArabsAreNotWhite to showcase the level of upset Arab(...)
Arab American Man Murdered by Racist Neighbor, Police Still Won't Call it a Hate Crime
Aug 16, 2016
BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Staff Writer An Arab American man was fatally shot on his porch by his racially charged neighbor in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Friday night. Khalid Jabara, 37, was a Lebanese Christian who had a history of unpleasant exchanges with(...)
Arab America Ambassador Network
Aug 15, 2016
To be an Ambassador, please go to this link and apply: ARAB AMERICA AMBASSADOR NETWORK For Immediate Release Arab America Launches Ambassador Network Empowering Arab Americans through digital media (WASHINGTON, DC) August 15, 2016 - Arab America, the leading provider of digital media to the Arab(...)
CNN Wrongfully Equated Arab American Muslim Woman with ISIL #Hummus Haters
Aug 12, 2016
With all the anti-Arab bashing we see in the news every week, Arab America is determined to expose those who discriminate against our community. We will recognize those who vilify the positive influence and contributions Arabs have made to the(...)
Palestine Does Not Receive Label on Google Maps
Aug 12, 2016
BY: Andrew Hansen/Contributing Writer Several weeks ago, a journalism group operating out of Gaza City reported that Google had removed Palestine from their Maps. Arab America investigates some of the facts and fiction behind this story of the massive navigation(...)
UAE and Egypt Win First Three Olympic Medals from the Arab World
Aug 11, 2016
BY: Alexa George/Contributing Writer On Tuesday August 9, United Arab Emirates athlete Sergiu Toma was the first Arab to win a medal in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Toma was born in Moldova but was naturalized by the UAE in 2013.(...)
Bradley Cooper to Produce Television Show on “ISIS”
Aug 11, 2016
BY: Tamara Wong Azaiez/ Contributing Writer Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper is set to create a television series on the Islamic State and its rise in the Middle East. Cooper has decided to pursue production after his debut as the producer(...)
Arab America Presents: #FalafelFighters with 12 Legislators Fighting For Arab Americans
Aug 10, 2016
In response to the popular series #HummusHaters, which highlights those who vilify the Arab American community and calls on them to try a taste of our culture, Arab America presents #FalafelFighters. Those who fight against anti-Arab bigotry, Islamophobia, and discrimination towards(...)
Arabs Make Historic Impression at the Rio Olympics
Aug 10, 2016
BY: Andrew Hansen/Contributing Writer Since Friday, as the world turned its attention to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the 2016 Summer Olympics, audiences have been able to witness historic Arab participation in the games. After months of anticipation for Brazil’s(...)
Muhammad Mftah Al-Fituri: The Arab-African Poet Of African Renewal
Aug 10, 2016
BY: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing Writer "How can a white man enslave my land? How can he enslave my yesterday and tomorrow? I am black and Africa is for me, not the intruding(...)
Commemorating the Life of Mahmoud Darwish: A Poet of Resistance
Aug 9, 2016
BY: Mary Elbanna/Contributing Writer Mahmoud Darwish (1941 - 2008) is an award-winning Palestinian poet born in the village al-Birweh in Galilee, Palestine. When Darwish was six, he and his family were forced to flee Palestine as refugees during the start(...)4,430 Results (Page 336 of 370)