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4,148 Results (Page 5 of 346)

Arab America

Pathbreakers of Arab America—Justin Amash

Jun 26, 2024

Photo Wikipedia, Gage Skidmore By: John Mason / Arab America Contributing Writer This is the fifty-first of Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series includes personalities from entertainment, business, sports, science, academia, journalism, and politics, among(...)

Biden is Following Trump's Footsteps on Palestine 

Jun 26, 2024

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Wiki Commons By: Ghassan Rubeiz / Arab America Contributing WriterDespite the conflict in Gaza, the West Bank, and the rapidly escalating situation in the Israel-Lebanon border areas, the Biden administration is fixated on Arabs normalizing relations with Israel.(...)

Gaza and Gazans Can’t Disappear 

Jun 25, 2024

By: Barbara Nimri Aziz / Arab America Contributing Writer Do you sense that there is less and less news reaching us from the occupied Palestinian territories, expressly from Gaza? Do you feel what I fear: – that moral outrage by the(...)

Dajaj Murraq - Chicken Stew

Jun 19, 2024

Dajaj Murraq: Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons By: Arab America Contributing Writer Habeeb Salloum Murraq is a very popular aromatic chicken stew in the United Arab Emirates. During Ramadan, it is one of the most popular dishes served because of the(...)

Reviving Palestinian Tarweedeh in Modern Music

Jun 19, 2024

Source: Dana Salah Productions. This image shows the official poster for the newly released song by Dana Salah, "Ya Tal'een.". shows the singer herself sitting on sandy ground and wearing the black and white keffiyeh, and there's a grandfather with(...)
Source: RHC This image shows King Abdullah II. Next to him from the left is Queen Rania, and next to him from the right are Crown Prince Hussain and his wife, Princess Rajwa.

Jordan's Silver Jubilee Celebrations Highlight Nation's Progress and Unity

Jun 19, 2024

Source: RHC This image shows King Abdullah II. Next to him from the left is Queen Rania, and next to him from the right are Crown Prince Hussain and his wife, Princess Rajwa. By: Yara Marei / Arab America Contributing(...)

1958 Lebanon: Cold War and Sectarian Unrest

Jun 19, 2024

Photo: Wikipedia Commons By: Rania Basria | Arab America Contributing Writer The 1958 Lebanon crisis was a watershed point in Middle Eastern history and Cold War politics as a whole. From May to October 1958, Lebanon was on the verge(...)

Juneteenth: Celebrating the Greatest Ascent – The Freeing of a Slave

Jun 19, 2024

Photo: Pexels By: Nate Fox / Arab America Contributing Writer The history of the Arab world is one plagued with colonialism and imperialism. African Americans can relate to this struggle against oppressive rule. By acknowledging these parallels, Arab Americans can(...)

Sadaqua: Free Water and Charity Through Advertising

Jun 19, 2024

By: Mehdi El Merini / Arab America Contributing Writer Sadaqua is a new and innovative project in Saudi Arabia and the UAE that merges sustainability, advertising, and charity by providing free drinking water in eco-friendly aluminum bottles. Founded by young(...)

All for Nothing: The Iran-Iraq War

Jun 19, 2024

Photo: Wikipedia Commons By Liam Nagle / Arab America Contributing Writer While Iraq and Iran might be relatively peaceful neighbors today, this wasn't always the case. From 1980 to 1988, Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Iran under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini(...)

The Far-Reaching Consequences of an All-Out Israel-Hezbollah War

Jun 19, 2024

Photo: VOA By: Ghassan Rubeiz / Arab America Contributing Writer Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under mounting pressure to restore security to the border area with Lebanon. Close to 60,000 Israeli residents have evacuated the area to avoid the reach(...)

Civil Rights and Legal Challenges Faced by Arab Americans

Jun 19, 2024

Source. By: Raisa Sami/ Arab America Contributing Writer The United States' cultural, economic, and social fabric has benefited greatly from the contributions of Arab Americans. Despite their accomplishments, they encounter many difficulties and prejudice, particularly when it comes to(...)

4,148 Results (Page 5 of 346)
