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World War One

History of the Israel-Lebanon Border

By: Liam Nagle / Arab America Contributing Writer Like many colonial constructs in the Middle East, the border between Israel and Lebanon is relatively new. Created to separate portions of the British and French mandates, this territory has almost always been a battleground between Israeli forces and guerrilla groups. With tensions between Israel and the … Continued

​​Salom Rizk’s Syrian Yankee: A Misfit in Arab American Literature?

By: Arwa Almasaari / Arab America Contributing Writer Salom Rizk’s Syrian Yankee (1943) has largely been avoided in Arab American literary discussions, not only due to its assimilationist rhetoric but also because of its promotion of problematic views, such as anti-Arab racism and Islamophobic tropes. However, understanding Rizk’s personal history and the historical context in … Continued

South Yemen: Divisions before the Yemeni Civil War

By: Liam Nagle / Arab America Contributing Writer When one thinks about a divided Yemen, one might think about its ongoing, devastating, and complicated civil war. However, this wasn’t the first time Yemen was divided, as Yemen didn’t always exist as a single entity. Before 1990, it was two separate and distinct states—one based in … Continued

Rewriting the Music Playbook: Harget Kart’s Art of Fusion

By: Yara Marei / Arab America Contributing Writer Imagine a band that takes the ordinary, lights it on fire, and from the ashes creates something extraordinary. This is Harget Kart—a name that, in the Arabic Jordanian dialect, means “to burn a photo card.” Just as their name suggests, Harget Kart has set the conventional boundaries … Continued

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