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Everything You Need To Know About Egypt’s First 3D Movie

posted on: Sep 15, 2019



The year 2019 has been more than satisfying for the Egyptian cinema. Two months ago, the first-ever animated Egyptian feature film, AlAmira Wel Fares, with voice overs by Mohamed Henedy, Donia Samir Ghanem announced its big debut at The Gouna Film Festival.

Another highly-anticipated movie is O’alet Al-Osboa. Written by Omar Taher, the lead actor, Mohamed Henedy, promised to deliver one of the most advanced visual effects a Middle Eastern movie has witnessed by the help of an international team of graphic designers.

This week, Egypt just opened another door for endless cinematic possibilities. For the first time ever, our homeland will produce a three-dimensional film and it’s called 2050 Hesar Gohanam – translated as 2050 Hell Seige.

The Mohamed El-Komy sci-fi production will star none other than one of Egypt’s favorite Tunisian leading lady, Dorra Zarrouk, and Egyptian actor, Hassan Radad. The team will reportedly be assisted by unnamed American production companies that will supply the crew with the most advance equipment.

During an interview with Al-Masry Al-Youm, El-Komy stated that the movie will incorporate real aircrafts, standout visuals and artificial intelligence; a genre he wishes to introduce to the Egyptian cinema.

Directed by Meda, the details surrounding the plot have not been announced, yet the movie takes place in a futuristic deserted Mideterrane city. The released teasers hint at a possible siege by villain robots.