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It's Time For an Adventure in Ancient Egypt

posted on: Sep 11, 2018


 If you’ve ever wondered what secrets lie in Ancient Egypt, then you’re in for a real treat! This is because the interactive guide below will take you on a 3D tour of ancient Egypt, where you’ll learn all about the pyramids, the pharaoh’s tombs, and the many ancient Egyptian gods.

To get started, simply click on the ‘View 360°’ button. This will allow you to move the screen around by clicking and dragging the cursor around. On mobile devices, you can either move your phone around to explore the area or just use your finger to swipe your way around. When you find a point of interest, simply click on its associated bubble, and you will be able to learn more about it.

On a Desktop: To get the best experience, make sure you click on the full-screen button as shown here on a PC:

On Mobile: It is very important to do this if using a mobile devicesince it will be hard to navigate through all of the options if the screen isn’t maximized. The image looks a little different on mobile, but it should also appear in the top-right corner of your screen, and looks like this:

 To start your adventure, click here