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Martin Starr is Grand in American-Iraqi Rom-Com Amira & Sam

posted on: Jan 28, 2015

Look, if it’s going to have any chance of stirring in us that warm, giddy, life-saving thrill of love actually working out, a romantic comedy with a happy ending probably has to cheat a little bit, to inflate its obstacles, to make those final moments truly momentous. To honor that feeling that, in real life, might spread over months, the romantic comedy must cram into minutes its lovers admitting, to themselves and each other, that they are in fact in love, and then their realization that it’s reciprocated, and then their certainty that this very second right now is the one in which they must decide on what the rest of their lives will look like.

It’s ridiculous, but there’s a reason it’s formula: It can work. Neither my wife nor I believed that the last ten minutes or so of the smashing new rom-com Amira & Sam could have actually happened, yet there we sat, dry-throated but misty-eyed, swallowing our lumps. The film’s final moments don’t feel like life itself, but they can pass for a highly romantic fantasyland bouillon reduction of it: Here’s everything you felt when you first knew you were together for real, just all crammed into two scenes on an Earth that’s not our own.
