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Arab Activist

Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: Palestine’s Foremost Academic and Intellectual

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer “Nearly every Arab American who fights against racial stereotyping, the ideological racism suffered by Palestinians, and the perennial antagonism to Islam, owes Ibrahim a tremendous debt. “ Dr. Edward Said Dr. Edward Said’s Guru There would be no Edward Said in America if Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod did … Continued

A Checklist for an Arab American Activist

By: Nana Osei/ Arab America Contributing Writer  Sometimes, someone needs to take a stand against the injustice of the world even when it seems like there is no one else there to support them. That someone could be you. To be an activist is to take a stand against injustice. Not only this but voice … Continued

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