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Mo Amer Show ‘Mo’ Renewed by Netflix—a Cultural Milestone, it Captures Palestinian American Refugee Issues through a Blend of Comedy and Drama

‘Mo’ immerses the viewer in the life of Mo Amer’s character, Mo Najjar. His is a Netflix TV story of a Palestinian American’s whose journey to asylum in Houston, Texas concludes. We observe the delicate balances between the show’s version of Amer’s story and Najjar’s. John Mason, contributing writer, shows how ‘Mo’ creates “a sense of side-splitting laughs combined with heartfelt drama.” Another facet of Mo Amer’s character is his promotion and hosting of the next season of the televised debate series, Doha Debates. It is a series defined as an entertaining, educational tool funded by the non-profit Qatar Foundation.

History of Mandeans and Their American Community

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Many religions have risen and fallen throughout the history of the Middle East. One such community which has withstood the religious changes of the region is the Mandeans. Their unique faith is in trouble, however, due to the conflicts in Iraq over the last few decades and … Continued

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