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Ex-President Trump

Florida Governor DeSantis exports his Repressive Vision for America to Israel, Intruding on Israeli Politics at a Sensitive Moment

Florida Governor Ron Desantis visited Israel recently to promote business with his state and hint at his yet unannounced candidacy for the U.S presidency. He brought with him all of his baggage of intolerance of anyone and everything different from himself and other supremacists. Desantis unfortunately dragged the Palestinians into his purview to underscore his intolerant view of people who are different. Contributing writer, John Mason reviews the governor’s trip to underscore similarities between Desantis’ vision and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intentions for his far right wing government.

‘Déjà Vu’ All over Again—Arab Americans may finally get their own Checkbox from the U.S. Census Bureau

Under President Obama, in 2015, a question for the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau survey included identification of a respondent as “Middle Eastern or North African” (MENA). Importantly, MENA as a response would not be aggregated to the much broader ‘White’ category. The Trump administration killed the question. In 2022, some Congress members requested renewal of the MENA category for the 2030 Census. Contributing writer, John Mason reports on pro-Arab sentiment about the importance of the MENA tag, captured, as follows, “It’s like we always say, ‘White without the privilege.’ We’re counted as white, but we’ve never had the privilege that comes with it.”

Trump Hosts New Jersey-Saudi-backed Golf Event–He’s Still Questioning Saudi Involvement in 9/11 Attacks

In sponsoring the Saudi-funded tournament at his Bedminster, N.J. golf course, Trump said there was no link between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Contributing writer, John Mason tells us that families of 9/11 were dumbfounded by Trump’s support of the sponsor. Trump’s event took place within the shadow of ground zero. Meanwhile, 9/11 victims’ families still await some sense of accountability. That they believe they will get it from either Trump or MBS is unfortunate.

American Church Support for Palestine and Israel is Schizophrenic

Major American churches, both Catholic and Protestant, have favored Palestinian peoples for decades. Namely, they support Palestinians oppressed under Israeli military occupation. Contributing writer, John Mason, writes that this does not mean the churches are anti-Israel. However, there is a highly driven opposing group of American evangelical pro-Israeli Christians, who are outright anti-Palestinian.

Biden goes Beyond Trump’s Commitment in Defending some Saudi and Gulf Countries

Disturbingly, President Biden is following ex-president Trump’s path. First, he is overlooking MBS’ part in the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Second, he intends to commit American soldiers’ lives to defend Gulf dictatorships. Contributing writer, John Mason, reports on these gross inconsistencies in U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia and the Region.

Saudi Prince MBS’ $2 Billion Loan to Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Raises Doubts about Risk and Legitimacy

Jared Kushner became the beneficiary of a cool $2 billion from the Saudi Arabia government, compliments of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. It is alleged that this gift was provided because Kushner had aided MBS in replacing MBS’ cousin, then-Crown Prince Mohamed bin Nayef as successor to the throne. Contributing writer, John Mason, takes us down a complicated path of mystery and intrigue in revealing international politics at its highest level.

“No” from Israel to U.S. Opening Consulate Serving Palestinians in East Jerusalem

The Israeli prime minister has halted the Biden administration’s decision to restart the consulate in East Jerusalem to serve West Bank Palestinians. Closed by the Trump administration, this consulate is symbolically important to Palestinians because it recognizes their right to a slice of Jerusalem real estate. Contributing writer John Mason parses out this politically sensitive issue.

Qatar Continues its Principled Rejection of the Abraham Accords as Anti-Palestinian

Qatari diplomats are the advocates par excellence of Palestinians in international arenas, giving these diplomats an image of strong supporters of a pro-human rights foreign policy. Now they have taken the side of the Palestinians in the context of the Abraham Accords, which do very little for Palestinians either economically or in resolving the Israel Palestinian conflict. Contributing writer John Mason writes about Qatar’s principled stand.

20 Years out from 9/11, Islamophobia still on the rise

Imagine, 20 years ago this week—the horrific attack on the twin towers. Terrorist-manipulated planes hit New York’s twin towers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, ending 2977 lives and followed by the mourning and grief of most U.S. and many of the world’s citizens. One direct and ugly result of this horror was an increase in the U.S. of Islamophobia, not only in everyday life but in the halls of government in Washington. Contributing writer, John Mason, writes about this 20-year period of anti-Muslim discrimination

Two-Tiered State of Israel Makes Cycle of Violence Inevitable—While Full-Press U.S. Pro-Israel Endorsement is Fracturing

By: John Mason / Arab America Contributing Writer The new conflict began as most of the earlier disputes between Israelis and Palestinians—with some further disenfranchisement of the Palestinians, in this case, a dispute over keeping their homes in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. As usual, the Israeli government wants them to just go away, become … Continued

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