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Juan Cole

Florida Governor DeSantis exports his Repressive Vision for America to Israel, Intruding on Israeli Politics at a Sensitive Moment

Florida Governor Ron Desantis visited Israel recently to promote business with his state and hint at his yet unannounced candidacy for the U.S presidency. He brought with him all of his baggage of intolerance of anyone and everything different from himself and other supremacists. Desantis unfortunately dragged the Palestinians into his purview to underscore his intolerant view of people who are different. Contributing writer, John Mason reviews the governor’s trip to underscore similarities between Desantis’ vision and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s intentions for his far right wing government.

How President Trump will affect the Middle East

Jeremy Lawrence Esquire Last November we asked the hypothetical question of “What a potential Trump presidency might mean for the Middle East?” And now, from last Friday we will find out. We spoke to three political commentators and asked them to grapple with a few opening questions of what all this means for our region. *** … Continued

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