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lebanese history

How Lebanese Migration Helped Shape Mexico’s Modern Identity

Approximately 400,000 Lebanese emigrants are part of Mexico’s population. Families residing in regions such as Yucatán, Puebla, and Mexico City have created a lasting legacy, benefiting both themselves and the Mexican people. Their business ventures and Levantine influence have enriched the vibrant Mexican culture we recognize today. In this article, Arab America’s contributing writer Nissrine Bedda explores the impact of Lebanese emigrants on Mexico’s modernization during the Porfiriato era and their integration into Mexican society.

Lebanon’s Presidential Crisis: A Cycle of Political & Economic Chaos

By: Norah Soufraji/ Arab America Contributing Writer The President Steps Down Michel Aoun, the eighty-nine year old president of Lebanon recently stepped down without a successor this week amid the country’s most dire economic crisis in years. Many Lebanese and international observers are concerned about the inevitable power vacuum as the parliament and cabinet scramble … Continued

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