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Muslim Americans

Report Card Mixed on Biden Administration’s Commitment to Balanced Approach towards Arabs at Home and Abroad

Arab America reported optimistically about November 2020’s Biden-Harris victory. We believed that Arabs, especially Palestinians, and Muslims worldwide would have something positive to look forward to. Contributing writer John Mason renders a ‘B+’ grade for the Biden Administration’s support of Arab Americans and non-Arab Muslim-Americans. However, only a ‘D’ grade is rendered for Biden’s handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Realpolitik and Palestinian disillusionment with Biden’s approach portend continued faltering progress in achieving freedom and justice for Palestinians.

Muslims in Early America

By: Cait O’Connor/Arab America Contributing Writer Today, Muslims represent a wide diversity of the American population. A third of the community is African-American, another third is South Asian, one quarter is Arab, and the rest are from across the world. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of Arab Americans, in fact, are not Muslim. For … Continued

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