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Chutzpah* or Goodwill? Israeli Prime Minister Brokers Russia/Ukraine Peace—How about Peace with Palestine?

Israeli Prime Minister Neftali Bennett is playing a role as mediator between Russia and the Ukrainians. Bennett suggests that his criticism of Russia is mild so that he can keep the lines open with both sides to encourage mediation. Contributing writer John Mason, suggests that the PM use this occasion to rethink the issue of Palestinians, such that their situation is accorded equivalence with refugees everywhere.

Arab Leaders to Seek U.N. Security Council Resolution on Golan

TUNIS (Reuters) – Arab leaders said on Sunday they would seek a U.N. Security Council resolution against the U.S. decision to recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and promised to support Palestinians in their bid for statehood. SOURCE: REUTERS BY: ULF LAESSING Arab leaders, long divided by regional rivalries, also ended their annual summit … Continued

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