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Nehal Leheta’s “Authentic Egyptian Cooking”: A Review

By: Alison Norquist / Contributing Writer In this 142-page cookbook by Nehal Leheta, the core of Egyptian cuisine is made accessible to readers with not just recipes but also advice on where to find specialty ingredients, swaps for them, and beautiful color photos of almost every dish. About Abou El Sid Named after the legendary … Continued

Mediterranean Cooking from the Garden with Linda Dalal Sawaya—easy Spring vegan salads, sautéed veggies with tahini sauce, and Community Supported Agriculture!

   Lebanese beet salad and avocado salad © linda dalal sawaya 2016 It’s not even officially spring yet, which is a month away, but the beginning of Lent symbolizes springtime in a way that makes me long for light, vegan dishes after a winter of more indulgent fare. It’s easy to be vegan with these … Continued

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