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Richard Falk: Eco-Insurgency, Tribal Vision, and Ultra-Nationalist Geopolitics: In Further Critique of Michael Oren

posted on: Aug 2, 2015

devoted my last piece to an expression of support for the July 14 P5 + 1 agreement reached with Iran on its Nuclear Program, and coupled this with criticism of what the former Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, sets forth in his memoir, Ally, as the ideal form of special alliance relationship that exists and should exist between Israel and the US. In this sequel, I explore the further implications of such a special relationship as a template for dangerous trends in political life at all levels of social organization.

Oren reflects these trends, and his views and their implication deserve our attention. He has enjoyed an extremely successful life after surmounting serious childhood learning disabilities and a humble social background. He became a prize-winning historian, an elite IDF paratrooper and intelligence operative, a high-ranking civil servant, and a prominent diplomat, and most recently launched a further career as a politician, being elected to the Knesset in March. In addition to all these worldly achievements, Oren appears to have had a long, satisfying marriage accompanied by a fulfilling family life, mostly spent in Israel.
