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Can a good Muslim be a good Girl Scout?

posted on: Mar 8, 2015

Seeing someone eating Girl Scout cookies makes me happy. Seeing Girl Scouts selling them makes me even happier.

I was a Girl Scout leader for my daughter’s troop from the time she was in first grade until she graduated high school, so I have an affinity for Girl Scout cookies and the Girl Scout organization. Girls learn a lot when selling cookies, including self-confidence, marketing, public speaking skills, money management and a slew of other skills. As Muslim Girl Scouts, my troop and I benefited in other ways as well. …

I started both a Girl and Boy Scout troop in 1995 at the Islamic center where my children attended weekend Islamic school. I wanted my children to build camaraderie with their fellow Muslims while also engaging with people of other faiths and backgrounds. I wanted them to learn that being a Muslim living in America didn’t mean they had to choose one identity over the other.
