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Italy Starts Motions Toward The Recognition Of The State Of Palestine

posted on: Feb 19, 2015

The Italian Parliament is preparing to discuss the recognition of the State of Palestine with a series of motions that will be presented, perhaps as early as this week, in the House.

Promoters of the motions are the Left Ecology Freedom party, the Italian Socialist Party and the Democratic Party. A first meeting occurred yesterday, during which it was shown the text developed by the responsible for the party’s foreign affairs, Enzo Amendola, to accelerate the explicit recognition of the State of Palestine. Even the New Centre-Right party of Minister of Interior, Angelino Alfano, presented his motion. The chairman of the Foreign Affairs commission, Fabrizio Cicchitto, explains that the text of the New Centre-Right, unlike that of the Democratic Party (that will match the motion approved by the European Parliament) “will provide for the recognition of the principle of ‘two peoples, two states’ but as part of a policy option: the respect of negotiations between the parties, so as to favor the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians. The unilateral recognition, however, would be a mistake”.
