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Palestine Takes Over Netflix

posted on: Oct 20, 2021

By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer


Netflix has released 32 Palestinian films on its platform. Each film is directed by and stars Palestinian actors. The move was made to diversify its platform and appeal to more Middle Eastern viewers. Ameen Nayfeh, director of The Crossing, one of the movies included in Palestinian Stories, told Reuters that he was happy that it was: “This is why we make films because we want our stories to travel, we want people to know about us. 

Below is just a few of the films on Netflix Right Now

Maradona’ Legs

The heartwarming short story takes place during the 1990 World Cup. Two young Palestinian football fans set out to find the missing sticker to their favorite player Maradona to complete their collection and win an Atari.

Salt Of The Sea

Many Palestinians lost everything they had during the 1948 Nakba. Soraya, a Palestinian American woman, travels to Palestine to take back the money and land that was stolen from her family in the 1948 Nakba. Something all Palestinians hope to do one day. 

3000 nights

This story is about a woman who was falsely accused of terrorist activities. She is sent to prison and forced to give birth to a son and raise him. This situation happens more often than you would think. Every day Palestinians are falsely accused and sentenced to decades in prison.

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention is about two lovers who find ways to keep their relationship alive through the separation of occupation. There are many stories across Palestine of husband and wife who are unable to see each other because of travel and permit restrictions. It’s a tragic situation that many experiences through life under occupation.

Ave Maria

This short film is about a Jewish family that crashed their car into a convent. Both the nuns took a vow of silence and the Jewish family had to figure out how to solve the situation. This comedy short film is an interesting interaction between Palestinians and Israelis. In this situation, they are forced to work together, something both sides have a difficult time with.


Is Netflix pro-Palestine? Each film released shows how Palestinians are mistreated by the illegal Israeli Occupation. Is this Netflix’s way of supporting the Palestinian cause, by releasing films instead of stating it? The approach Netflix took is much more effective. Now viewers will be able to learn about the Palestinians struggles from a source other than mainstream media.

Although the films are focused on the occupation, there is much more to Palestine. Palestine is filled with history, it is home to the Old City of Jerusalem. The olive oil market is lucrative. Gaza serves the best fish in the Middle East. Although it is important to advocate against the occupation, Palestinian heritage, and history are not to be neglected.

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