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SAG-AFTRA Panel: Arab Stereotypes in Film and TV

posted on: Mar 31, 2016


The SAG-AFTRA Foundation hosted a panel of Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asian actors. Arab American actors are often faced with the difficult choice of portraying Arabs in film and television as a terrorist or convenience store clerk. Arabs aren’t offered regular roles that offer complexity and diversity. Rather, Arabs are often just playing other Arabs in the media in order to propagate a white image of America only. Many Arabs refuse to take stereotypical or racist roles in film and television, but then that causes them to lose roles to Anglo-Americans. Even when casting directors are looking for an “exotic” or “ethnically ambiguous” look, they often still pick the Anglo-American to portray a diverse character. Arab Americans who love acting should not have to be stuck in a difficult place of only playing the role of terrorists or no one at all. This discussion is a progressive step to start breaking down those stereotypes and promote a nuanced image of Arabs that is normal. Watch the full panel below.


Compiled by Arab America