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Barnum Museum Program Explores ‘Life of an Ancient Woman in Egypt’

posted on: Dec 6, 2019


The Barnum Museum, at 820 Main St., Bridgeport, will host “Exploring the Life of an Ancient Woman in Egypt,” by world-renowned paleo-radiologist Sahar Saleem on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 2 p.m.

Following the forensic facial reconstruction of the Barnum Museum’s Egyptian mummy, visitors will be able to learn more about what her life might have been like 4,000 years ago. Since 1894 the mummy was known as “Pa-Ib,” a male priest from Luxor, but this interpretation changed in 2010 when diagnostic imaging showed the mummy to be a woman, about 30 years old. The mummy will acquire a new name reflective of the new knowledge about female mummy’s in the late 1800s. The new name will be revealed during the Dec. 8 presentation at the museum.

Saleem has studied Connecticut scans of the Barnum’s mummy and will interpret the evidence that provides information about age, gender, health, trauma or disease and even clues about diet and physical activity that point to social status and possible occupation.

Saleem will provide a personalized picture of the unknown woman’s life based on the results of forensic and radiological examinations of the remains. Her illustrated presentation will place the evidence in the context of ancient Egyptian culture circa 2000 BCE and, in particular, discuss women’s roles and compare them with other civilizations. An Egyptian herself, Saleem will also talk about her female ancestors’ family life, status, education and career opportunities.