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19,290 Results (Page 2 of 1608)

How will Israel’s War with Lebanon’s Hezbollah Evolve?

Jul 17, 2024

Photo Credit: Al Jazeera By: Ghassan Rubeiz / Arab America Contributing Writer Will the ongoing exchange of fire between Israel(...)

How White Fragility Keeps Anti-Black Racism Alive in Arab Society

Jul 17, 2024

Source. Wikimedia commons By: Raisa Sami / Arab America Contributing Writer Arabic television shows frequently featured lighter-skinned actors in blackface,(...)

Modern-Day Fallujah: Two Decades After the Conflict

Jul 17, 2024

The City of Fallujah, Source: Wikimedia Commons By: Nate Fox / Arab America Contributing Writer Fallujah, a name synonymous with(...)

The Epistle of Forgiveness: The Arab Divine Comedy

Jul 17, 2024

Poet and scholar Al-Ma'ari, Source: Wikimedia Commons By Luke McMahan/ Arab America Contributing Writer In the eleventh century, controversial Syrian(...)

Jordanian Excellence: Dr. Omar Hatamleh Leading AI at NASA

Jul 17, 2024

Source: International Space University's Program. This image shows Dr. Omar Hatamleh. By: Yara Marei / Arab America Contributing Writer Jordan(...)

Factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization

Jul 17, 2024

PLO leadership in Jordan. Photo: Wikipedia Commons By Liam Nagle / Arab America Contributing Writer The Palestine Liberation Organization, throughout(...)

Middle Eastern Pantry Staples to the Rescue With Hearty Bulgur Pilaf 

Jul 16, 2024

Photo Credit: Blanche Shaheen By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer Bulgur wheat holds a storied history in the Middle East,(...)

Potato And Tomato Stew - Yakhnit Batata wa Banadura

Jul 16, 2024

Source: By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer The potato, native to the indigenous peoples of the Andes, although not(...)

NUSACC Roundtable Showcases Bahrain and its New Minister of Industry and Commerce

Jul 10, 2024

The National U.S. – Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC), America's top commercial gateway to the Middle East and North Africa(...)

AIPAC and The "Squad"

Jul 10, 2024

Former Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Source: Wikimedia Commons By Luke McMahan/ Arab America Contributing Writer On June 25th, with the loss(...)

The Political Rise of Arab Americans

Jul 10, 2024

Free Palestine Anti-Israel Protest. Source: Wikimedia Commons By: Raisa Sami / Arab America Contributing Writer Arab Americans, a diverse community(...)

Assala Pure Art: 'The Natives' in Palestinian Tarweedeh Style

Jul 10, 2024

Source: Wikimedia. A picture showing Assala Nasri is considered by many to be one of the most important Syrian artists(...)

19,290 Results (Page 2 of 1608)
