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The Shame and Dangers of Ignoring Arab Opinion and Rights

SOURCE: LOBE LOG BY: JAMES J. ZOGBY In 1919, following the first World War, the victorious Allied Powers met in Paris to remake the world. The prime ministers of Italy, France, and Great Britain as well as U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, collectively known as “The Big Four,” were the decisive diplomatic players at the meeting. … Continued

Balfour Sparked a National Tragedy for the Palestinian People—with BDS, We are Fighting Back

SOURCE: NEWSWEEK BY: OMAR BARGHOUTI  Watch the video here When Zionist militias forced my grandmother, Rasmiyyah, and her family out of their home in Safad at gunpoint during the 1948 Nakba, the process of settler-colonialismthat was propelled by the Balfour Declaration and that culminated in ethnic cleansingbecame more than just a national tragedy for the indigenous people of Palestine. It became … Continued

Rashid Khalidi: Balfour Declaration Must be Matched by National Home for Palestinians

SOURCE: PALESTINE SQUARE BY: RASHID KHALIDI Editor’s note: On November 2, 2017, Journal of Palestine Studies Editor and IPS Senior Fellow Rashid Khalidi delivered a lecture on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration at the United Nations’ Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestine People. The event brought bring together a broad range … Continued

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