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Jordanian Folklore: A Close up of Its Enchanting Tapestry

Photo: Pixabay By: Eman El-Ajlouni / Arab America Contributing Writer The vast and varied collection of customs, songs, dances, stories, and creative manifestations known as Jordanian folklore has been passed down through the centuries in Jordan. It offers insights into the way of life, values, and identity of the country and its citizens by reflecting … Continued

Arab America Foundation Announces its Speakers for National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration Event– 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE REGISTER HERE (WASHINGTON, D.C., April 5, 2023) On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at Amazon Headquarters, the Arab America Foundation will host a commemorative event entitled, National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration 2023. The event aims to honor the remarkable contributions made by Arab Americans and will be attended by public officials, community … Continued

The World is Now Seeing Diversified North African Dance

Esraa Warda is taking dancing to Raï (Algerian folk music), from life to specialization, from regional to worldwide. By: Jenny Lyu / Arab America Contributing Writer Time after time, the recognition of Arabic folk dance in the media encompasses and stays in a simple and general definition, belly dance – an exotic and passionate dance … Continued

The History of Traditional Egyptian Music and Dances Throughout Time

Background: Religion and Music:  Egyptian Dance: Types and Traditions: Interpretive dance was a regular part of religious rituals. It served to elevate dancers to a closer relationship with a deity. One common feature of ancient Egyptian dances was people impersonating a deity.  For example, “dancers would imitate the goddess by invoking her epithet, The Golden … Continued

Mayyas Official: A Symbol of Arab and Women’s Empowerment

On June 21st, America’s Got Talent premiered an all-female group dance audition, from Lebanon, called Mayyas Official. This group mesmerized the crowd and the Judges with its unique dance routine. A routine that coordinated arm movements and definitely followed through with their promise to “hypnotize” the judges. The Mayyas came with the mission of empowering Arabs and women. Not only that, but also normalizing dance as a reputable career in the Arab World.

Arab America Foundation Announces its Speakers for National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration Event

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE REGISTER HERE (WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13, 2022) The Arab America Foundation is excited to announce its speakers for the National Arab American Heritage Month Commemoration Event on April 27, 2022, in Washington, D.C. Join us for an amazing event full of engaging speakers, authentic Arab food served as an Iftar dinner, and … Continued

Arab-American Music Producers

  By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer Did you know that some of your favorite songs are produced by Arab Americans? From Michael Jackson to Britney Spears, Arab Americans have produced thousands of songs that go platinum. This list consists of five of the biggest Arab-American music producers.  The purpose of this list … Continued

Traditional Music of Morocco Series (Episode 3 of 7): Ahidus

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The country of Morocco is one of many cultures, beautiful architecture, amazing cities, and it also has its own unique musical and dance genres that are borne out of numerous traditions. These traditions stem from many influences including the cultures of the Amazigh, Arabs, Berbers, Gnawa, … Continued

Traditional Music of Morocco Series (Episode 1 of 7): Reggada

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The country of Morocco is one of many cultures, beautiful architecture, amazing cities, and it also has its own unique musical and dance genres that are borne out of numerous traditions. These traditions stem from many influences including the cultures of the Amazigh, Arabs, Berbers, Gnawa, … Continued

Karim Nagi Bridges the cultural Divide through Music, Dance

Egyptian musician Karim Nagi does not talk about politics or religion, using music and dance to bring understanding of Arab culture. SOURCE: PROVIDENCE JOURNAL BY: MARK REYNOLDS PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Karim Nagi sat in a chair, his back straight as a board, and stretched one of his lanky arms toward the furthest strings on his … Continued

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