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Mental Wellness

The Stigma Behind Therapy in Arab Societies

Photo: By: Joud Sleilaty / Arab America Contributing Writer Arab societies have a rich history, characterized by their traditions and tightly-knit communities. However, within the context of this vibrant cultural heritage, a concerning pattern has persisted: the stigma surrounding therapy. For many Arabs, the concept of seeking professional help for mental health issues remains … Continued

The Arab Kitchen: Preparing Food, a Source of Mental Wellness

By: Malorie Lewis / Arab America Contributing Writer No doubt cooking can be one of the most relaxing ways to unwind and destress after a long day. Spending time chopping, slicing, baking, frying, or whatever you prefer can have a positive impact on your mental health and wellness according to a study done by Edith … Continued

How Technology is Improving Mental Health in Saudi Arabia

Mental health has been front and center especially after the pandemic making it hard for many leaders to deny. Saudi Arabia has faced a wide range of advancements in recent years one being the use of technology to address mental health. Apps such as Tuhoon and Houna have been developed to provide easy access to mental health services. With over half of the country having access to technology it makes it a plausible solution for the country. Join Arab America contributing writer, Menal Elmaliki, as she describes the innovation of mental health technology in Saudi Arabia.

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