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Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley Says Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Nearly Ready

SOURCE: THE JERUSALEM POST BY: TAMAR BEN-OZER United States Ambassador to the United Nations on Thursday night said that President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan is nearly ready while speaking at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics. During a question-and-answer session led by the Institute’s current head, David Axelrod, she said: “They’re coming … Continued

Ashrawi deplores Nikki Haley’s crusade against Palestine at the UN

By: Palestine News Network Staff Source: The Palestine News Network Historically, US officials, even the most ardent apologists for Israel, made an attempt to mask their bias with a semblance of diplomatic language and balance, however flimsy. Now there seems to be a departure from that practice, evident in the one-woman crusade the US representative … Continued

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