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The Rise of Halal Tourism: A New Frontier in Travel

By Mehdi El Merini / Arab America contributing writer. In recent years, Halal tourism has emerged as one of the fastest-growing segments of the global travel industry. With Muslim travelers projected to spend over $300 billion on travel by 2026, according to CrescentRating, the demand for destinations catering to Islamic principles is reshaping the tourism … Continued

Sayyid Qutb: A Complicated Revolutionary

By: Luke McMahan / Arab America Contributing Writer Perhaps no writer of the twentieth century has had a more significant impact on Islamic politics than Sayyid Qutb. From his young adult life as one of the leading literary critics in Cairo to his eventual radicalization, imprisonment, and execution by Nasser, Qutb’s writings left an indelible … Continued

World Arabic Language Day: A Look Ahead

The UN’s annual World Arabic Language Day falls on December 18th this year. Sponsored by UNESCO, it is a time to celebrate the beauty and power of Arabic. For the tenth anniversary, let’s take a look not only at the past but also at the future of the Arabic language!

The History of Arabic Calligraphy

By: Caroline Umphlet / Arab American contributing writer Overview Arabic calligraphy is more than just writing Arabic in an elegant way. It is better described as a culturally rich art form that expresses the beauty of the Arabic language into a visual form.  The exact origins of the Arabic manuscript are widely debated, whether it … Continued

Minimalism In Islam and Why You Should be Minimal

Imagine a fire, what is the first thing you’ll grab? Take a minute to really think, what is special enough to save. What material items are worth risking your life for? Despite the horridness of this scenario, there is a silver lining which is that it forces us to reconsider what is valuable. Intern Menal Elmaliki, brings insight on minimalism, why you should be a minimalist. Minimalism, though seemingly modern, is an Islamic value and also a value shared in all religions, and past cultural traditions.

How Dots & Vowels Were Added To The Quran.

BY: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer During the early days of Islam, the Quran was first written without dots and vowels. Each Arabic letter has three sounds and each one is written differently. As an Arabic reader, you know what sound is made depending on where the dots are placed on a letter. … Continued

The Importance of Social Justice and Equality in Islam

The entire religion of Islam is based on Tawhid, which is the practice of believing in the oneness of God. Tawhid is emphasized in the Shahada, which states “there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” While believing in the oneness of God is the top priority of a Muslim, fighting for justice and equality is considered the supreme virtue in Islam. 

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